Wonderful Review by Vinous!!!

All the Sartarelli wines have just been reviewed by Vinous, one of the most prestigious international wine magazines, getting some great scores each. Eric Guido, one of the most famous writers of the wine business in the US, has highly rated all our wines.

94+ points, Balciana 2021

94 points, Milletta 2021

93 points, Balciana 2020

92 points, Tralivio 2021

91 points, Tralivio 2022

90 points, Sartarelli Passito 2022

90 points, Sartarelli Brut NV

89 points, Sartarelli Classico 2022


If you want to find out more about our wines awarded by Vinous and about Eric Guido’s complete review, please click here: Sartarelli-Vinous 2024 Review

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